GenAI in a box

Discover Generative AI business use cases and prepare actionable GenAI roadmap relevant for your organization. Gain hands-on experience with GenAI in a sandbox, but start with business challenges, not the technology. 


Your business challenges

The difficulty of finding appropriate use cases is the biggest bar to GenAI adoption for both users and nonusers.  

Your business challenges

Our Solution

Have you heard about ChatGPT, OpenAl, generative Al and LLMs (large language models)? Have you seen analysts predicting double productivity, GDP, and other metrics? But still not sure how to use these new capabilities specifically in your organization? If yes, this offer will provide answers to these questions!

Our standard delivery process:

  • 1-month engagement.
  • Al sandbox deployment, document upload and kick-off. 
  • End user training and use case discovery sessions (remote). 
  • Al roadmap presentation (remote).

Engagement checklist and structure

1. Planning

  • Request access to Azure OpenAl instance (customer)
  • Confirm Kick-off Date
  • Grant access to Azure tenant
  • Assemble customer team
  • Complete Baseline Optimization Questionnaire

2. Kick off

  • All hands meeting - including customer team
  • Review engagement goal, steps and agree on calendar

3. Deliver

  • Deploy chat over knowledge sandbox
  • Customer team training on sandbox environment
  • Art of Possible Al session - introduction to generative Al capabilities and Microsoft offerings
  • Business use case discovery and prioritization session

4. Present

  • All hands meeting to review. engagement and present Al roadmap
  • Post-engagement follow up
Your benefits and deliverables

Your benefits and deliverables

Deliverable – AI roadmap, including: 

  • Prioritized list of use cases 
  • Business impact 
  • Technological dependencies 
  • Cost estimates 


  • Securely test Generative AI in your own Azure tenant 
  • Gain hands on experience with latest GPT-4 conversational capabilities, including working with your private documents 
  • Receive AI roadmap – actionable plan for GenAI deployment in your organization 

Me räägime teile rohkem

Miks valida meid?

Miks valida meid?

Pakume ainulaadset kombinatsiooni generatiivse tehisintellekti, küberjulgeoleku ja infrastruktuuri pädevustest ning saame toetada kliente kogu lahenduse elutsükli vältel – alates disainist kuni toimimiseni. Usume, et tarkvaraarendust, küberjulgeolekut ja infrastruktuuri küsimusi tuleb käsitleda tervikuna, mitte eraldiseisvate valdkondadena. 

Tarnijate partnerluste abil tagame jätkusuutlike GenAI lahenduste disaini, arenduse ja toimimise. Tehisintellekti lahendused ja teenused

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Squalio viimaste uudiste ja sündmustega.

Olge kursis