We will start with a risk assessment of currently used AI tools in the organization. Implement a Generative AI Policy and policy-implementing procedures in your organization. Ensure the safe and secure use of generative AI to boost productivity for your employees, mitigating data privacy, reputation, IP infringement, and other related risks at the same time.
“Without a proper policy in place, enterprises are likely to become more susceptible to data breaches and other security compromises without the appropriate governance in place over the use of AI-enabled tools. However, a recent ISACA study on generative AI found that only 10% of organizations have formal, comprehensive policies in place for generative AI.”
Mary Carmichael, CRISC, CISA, CPA, Member of ISACA Emerging Trends Working Group.
Are you a medium or large business concerned about cybersecurity and privacy risks posed by uncontrolled usage of generative Al tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and others?
While you may already have ISO9K, 27K, or other certifications with relevant policies and procedures, field experience suggests that most users find it hard to apply them to the latest generative Al tools.
What it is?
It is a proprietary reference policy prepared by Squalio and intended as a generalized baseline policy version that should be customized for each implementing entity and augmented by required implementing procedures.
Pakume ainulaadset kombinatsiooni generatiivse tehisintellekti, küberjulgeoleku ja infrastruktuuri pädevustest ning saame toetada kliente kogu lahenduse elutsükli vältel – alates disainist kuni toimimiseni. Usume, et tarkvaraarendust, küberjulgeolekut ja infrastruktuuri küsimusi tuleb käsitleda tervikuna, mitte eraldiseisvate valdkondadena.
Tarnijate partnerluste abil tagame jätkusuutlike GenAI lahenduste disaini, arenduse ja toimimise. Tehisintellekti lahendused ja teenused